Men’s sexual wellness and health are important topics that often receive inadequate attention. Many men may be hesitant to talk about it, but it’s important to address these issues in order to maintain greater physical and mental well-being. In addition to the physical pleasure that sex provides, it also has many other health benefits for both men and women. For example, regular sexual activity has been shown to help reduce stress, boost the immune system, and improve cardiovascular health. Additionally, good sexual health can help men maintain strong and healthy relationships with their partners, which can have a positive impact on quality of life.
Low testosterone and/or excess estrogen aren’t topics that are discussed as often as they should be, but they’re more common than most people think. Testosterone levels start to drop when men enter their 30’s and can decrease by as much as 2% per year. Some men begin to produce less testosterone even earlier, which can take a toll on their quality of life.
Low testosterone occurs when the testes are not producing an adequate amount of testosterone. This can happen because of aging, injury or a hormone imbalance. Low testosterone can cause several unpleasant side effects. At the same time, the consequences of reduced testosterone can be compounded by excess estrogen from lifestyle choices and the environment. Don’t worry, there’s plenty we can do… naturally, to boost your body’s testosterone production and breakdown the excess estrogen.
It can be frustrating for men to feel like they aren’t operating at their full potential, and if left untreated long enough, it can start affecting their self-esteem and confidence. While many “Men’s Clinics” are happy to supplement testosterone, sometimes doing so can cause dependency.
At ViveWell Health, we try to boost natural testosterone production with careful use of medications to coax your brain into making more… before resorting to testosterone supplementation.
However, sometimes supplemental testosterone is needed and can significantly improve symptoms. Available in various forms to fit your lifestyle and preferences, testosterone treatment is easy and effective.
Many men overlook testosterone’s role in general wellness. Check out our resource on the healing benefits of testosterone in injury to understand more.
We know that no two men are exactly alike. That’s why, at ViveWell, we take the time to understand your unique situation and work with you to create a custom treatment plan that will get you feeling young, strong and vigorous in no time!
Learn more about our approach to Bioidentical Hormone Optimization.
Though sometimes confused, healthy sexual interest interest and healthy physical arousal are different. And it can be frustrating to experience sexual interest but not have the follow-through of physical arousal.
Many men think that Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a specific disorder of their sex organs, but in actuality, the problem can be traced back to one of the many common aspects of lifestyle, like obesity, age, smoking, alcoholism, chronic health conditions like cardiovascular disease and diabetes, mental health conditions, certain medications or significant hormonal imbalances. The root cause of ED is unique to each man and treatments should reflect these differences. ViveWell’s Health Rejuvenation Services dive deep to discover the root causes of illness.
At the same time, Erectile Dysfunction is a very treatable condition that affects between 40%-70% of men at some point in their lives. In some cases, it can be a transient condition due to stress, or in others, it can be a chronic condition that men needlessly suffer from.
ViveWell providers consider the whole person components of ED and recommend treatments to target underlying conditions, offering a wide array of therapies to improve ED. This includes common medications, like Cialis (tadalafil), hormone optimization through our Comprehensive Brain Rejuvenation, non-invasive GAINSWave shockwave, Peptide Therapy, PRP Therapy and Exosomes.
PRP, platelet-rich plasma, is a powerful rejuvenation method that uses your own blood to help counter the effects of erectile dysfunction. Your platelets contain growth factors that help to promote rejuvenation and sensitivity.
Our trained medical professionals will take a sample of your blood via a relatively painless blood draw. Then we will spin and separate your blood to get a concentration of your PRP, which we reintroduce to your body.
After a generous amount of numbing ointment, the PRP is injected. It helps to promote blood flow to the penis, along with regeneration of tissue, causing longer-lasting and sustainable erections. It also enhances pleasure and sensitivity leading to more satisfying intercourse and heightened libido.
Many men only need just 1 injection to have lasting relief from Erectile Dysfunction. For others, the procedure can be repeated once a year or every 6 months.
Exosomes interact with stem cells to help regenerate and heal the body. Young exosomes from mesenchymal stem cells stimulate healing by providing growth messages that reprogram older cells and rejuvenate tissue.
Exosome Therapy involves injecting stem cell -derived exosomes into the body. For ED treatment especially, Exosome Therapy can be used as a powerful complement to platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy to effectively restore blood flow and rejuvenate penile tissue. By recovering healthy circulation to the penis, treatment can dramatically improve ED symptoms. While it can take weeks to see the full effect of treatment, once you heal, the results are often persistent.
Benefits to Exosome Therapy for Erectile Dysfunction include:
Learn more about Exosome Therapy at ViveWell
Whatever your situation, Vivewell offers several ED treatment options that help to target the root cause of the problem rather than just the symptoms alone. We work directly with you to determine your health history, any existing factors that could be causing the condition and your preferred method of treatment.
Together, we will create a custom plan for you that will help you reverse your dysfunction, enhance your sex life and improve your overall health for the rest of your life!
Oxytocin is a naturally occurring peptide commonly referred to as “the Love Drug.” It is a naturally occurring peptide that is elevated when a person is “in love” or extremely happy. In daily life, oxytocin increases with positive feelings, laughing and spending quality time with people you care about.
This incredible peptide is directly linked to the feelings of love, emotional connection, satisfaction and pleasure, which encourages you to be intimate with your partner. When supplemented with oxytocin, most men experience increased sexual performance, longevity, stronger erections, surging libido and powerful orgasms.
Oxytocin is administered through a simple-to-use intranasal spray. It can be taken daily for emotional wellness or as needed to help improve intimacy.
PT-141 is a naturally occurring peptide originally created to improve sexual arousal in women. However, research showed that it has an equally effective response in men.
This incredible treatment option utilizes a specific peptide sequence that works as a natural aphrodisiac by stimulating the dopamine and sexual desire centers in the brain.
The result is a spontaneous and lasting erection in most men who use the peptide. this therapy begins working in a few minutes, although for some, it can take a few hours to take effect. The effects can last between 12 hours and 3 days after each dose.
Since PT-141 causes strong sexual feelings and enhanced physical performance, many couples enjoy using it together, in conjunction with some of our other recommended therapies for enhanced pleasure.
Apomorphine can be used to support healthy sex lives for men who are experiencing low libido or erectile dysfunction. It increases the release of dopamine, stimulating blood flow to the penis and helping to maintain erections. Plus, apomorphine can also be used as an alternative or complement to Cialis (Tadalafil) and other prescription drugs because it has fewer side effects, like headaches, dizziness or nausea.
Apomorhine also delivers long-lasting results. The benefits of this drug last up to 24 hours so there’s no need for multiple doses throughout the day like with other ED medications — though some men may find they need more frequent dosing if they have multiple sexual interactions daily.
Max Mojo, a combination of PT-141, oxytocin and Tadalafil, is one of the most sought-after options when it comes to sexual health. Through its direct effect on the brain, it stimulates feelings of love, emotional connection and pleasure. This potent aphrodisiac increases dopamine and desire — as well as blood flow to erogenous areas, improving arousal and sexual experience.
An intranasal spray, Max Mojo is easy to take and can be used up to 3 times a week.
Max Mojo is exceptional for couples. In fact, many of ViveWell Sexual Wellness protocols can be elegantly adapted for both men and women.
Learn more about our Women’s Sexual Wellness.
GAINSWave® is a premium brand in the field of shockwave therapy designed to address dysfunction and Peyronie’s Disease as well as optimize sexual performance. This treatment is administered by a nationwide network of highly trained medical providers, including the team at ViveWell.
GAINSWave® stands out as an effective option because it targets the underlying cause of many penile issues — poor blood flow. The treatment is completely natural, non-invasive, drug-free, and provides long-term results for patients.
This therapy is a great treatment for:
Learn more about our GAINSWave treatments.
Enhance your lust in life with ViveWell’s Libido Boost infusion. It’s full of powerful ingredients that will help excite and energize you for all aspects of life. Our science-backed formula contains natural elements that can promote blood circulation and increase sexual desire.
Located in beautiful Colorado, our clinic offers holistic customized treatment programs to improve and restore your health. For more information or to schedule your consultation, please contact us today. We’re here to answer any of your questions.
Disclaimer: All statements and opinions provided are for educational and informational purposes, not for medical diagnosis. As with all medical treatments and procedures, results may vary on an individual basis. ViveWell follows all FDA guidelines related to the treatments provided. You’re encouraged to consult with your primary care provider before undergoing any treatment programs offered by ViveWell. Some of our therapies are not FDA-approved. During your personal consultation, the benefits and risks of any recommended therapies will be reviewed with you.
Prices are subject to change.
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