

Intranasal insulin

Intranasal Insulin: A Breakthrough from TBI to Neuro-Enhancement

By Dr. Benjamin Busch, DO

Intranasal insulin (INI) has emerged as a promising therapy with a wide range of applications, from aiding recovery in traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke to serving as a potent tool for biohackers seeking neuro-enhancement. This new method delivers insulin directly to the brain by bypassing the blood-brain barrier. This allows for better health benefits. In this article, we will delve into the science behind INI, explore its benefits, and provide instructions on how to create your own intranasal insulin spray at home.

The Science Behind Intranasal Insulin

Intranasal insulin

Intranasal insulin administration leverages the olfactory and trigeminal nerve pathways, which offer a direct route to the central nervous system. This method circumvents the need for insulin to travel through the bloodstream and penetrate the blood-brain barrier, making it a highly effective way to deliver insulin to the brain.

According to research, intranasal insulin has shown significant potential in improving cognitive function and neuroprotection. It has been studied extensively for its effects on Alzheimer’s disease, with trials indicating that it can enhance memory and cognitive performance in individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease.

Benefits of Intranasal Insulin

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI):

INI can help mitigate the effects of TBI by reducing inflammation and promoting neural repair. This can lead to improved outcomes and faster recovery for individuals who have suffered from brain injuries.

  • Reduction of Inflammation: One of the primary challenges in TBI recovery is managing inflammation. Intranasal insulin has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling in the brain, thereby minimizing further damage and accelerating the healing process.
  • Neuroprotection and Repair: INI promotes the survival and growth of neurons, enhancing the brain’s ability to repair itself after injury. This neuroprotective effect can lead to improved cognitive and motor function over time.

Stroke Recovery:

Intranasal insulin has been shown to enhance recovery post-stroke by improving cerebral blood flow and reducing neuronal damage. This can significantly impact the rehabilitation process, leading to better functional outcomes.

  • Improved Cerebral Blood Flow: By enhancing blood flow to the brain, INI can help deliver essential nutrients and oxygen more efficiently, which is crucial for recovery after a stroke.
  • Reduction of Neuronal Damage: Stroke often leads to significant neuronal damage. INI helps protect neurons from further damage and supports their recovery, improving overall brain function.

Alzheimer’s Disease and Cognitive Decline:

Intranasal insulin

Intranasal insulin has been studied for its potential to slow down or even reverse cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and mild cognitive impairment (MCI).

  • Memory Enhancement: INI has been shown to improve memory performance in individuals with MCI and Alzheimer’s disease by enhancing synaptic plasticity, which is essential for learning and memory.
  • Cognitive Function Improvement: Regular use of INI has been associated with better performance in cognitive tasks, improved attention, and overall mental clarity.

Neuro-enhancement for Biohackers:

Biohackers have taken a keen interest in intranasal insulin for its cognitive-enhancing properties. Studies suggest that INI can improve attention, working memory, and overall cognitive performance, making it an attractive option for those looking to enhance their mental capabilities.

  • Enhanced Working Memory: Biohackers report that INI helps in boosting working memory, which is critical for tasks that require mental effort and concentration.
  • Increased Attention and Focus: INI can enhance attentional control, allowing individuals to stay focused on tasks for extended periods.
  • Overall Cognitive Enhancement: Regular use of INI can lead to improvements in various cognitive domains, making it a popular choice among those seeking to maximize their mental performance.

ViveWell Health’s Brain Restoration & Enhancement Services

At ViveWell Health, we offer comprehensive brain restoration and enhancement services designed to optimize cognitive function and support brain health. Our holistic approach combines cutting-edge therapies, such as intranasal insulin, with personalized care to address various neurological conditions and enhance mental performance.

Key Services Include:

  • GyroStim Therapy: GyroStim Therapy uses dynamic motion to enhance neurological function. This therapy especially benefits individuals recovering from TBI, improving balance, coordination, and cognitive abilities. It represents a significant advancement in rehabilitative care, offering a non-invasive and effective solution for those suffering from various neurological disorders.
  • Peptide Therapy: Peptide Therapy uses specific amino acids to promote brain healing and growth. It provides neuroprotection, enhances neuron growth, improves blood flow, and reduces inflammation. This therapy is a cornerstone in treating various neurodegenerative conditions, offering hope for improved brain function and quality of life.
  • Phosphatidylcholine (PC) Therapy: Phosphatidylcholine is essential for brain health, and its decline with age can impact memory and cognition. PC Therapy involves administering PC to improve these cognitive functions. This therapy is instrumental in combating age-related cognitive decline and supporting overall brain health.
  • NAD+ Infusion: NAD+ is vital for cellular health and function. NAD+ Infusion therapy replenishes cellular NAD+ levels, essential for energy production, DNA repair, and maintaining healthy brain function. This therapy is key in slowing down the aging process and enhancing cognitive functions like memory and concentration.
  • Nutritional IV Therapy: Customized intravenous therapies that deliver essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients directly to the bloodstream, supporting brain health and overall wellness.
  • Neuropsychological Assessments: Comprehensive evaluations that assess cognitive, emotional, and psychological functioning. These assessments help in diagnosing neurological conditions and guiding personalized treatment plans.
  • Comprehensive Blood Panel Testing: Detailed blood tests that provide insights into various biomarkers related to brain health and overall well-being. This information helps tailor personalized treatment plans for optimal brain function.

By integrating these advanced therapies and personalized care, ViveWell Health is dedicated to enhancing cognitive function and promoting overall brain health. Our expert team is committed to helping you achieve your mental wellness goals through innovative and effective treatments.


Intranasal insulin represents a revolutionary approach to brain health, offering significant benefits for individuals recovering from TBI and stroke, as well as for those seeking cognitive enhancement. By understanding the science behind INI and following proper administration techniques, you can harness its potential for improving mental and neurological function. Always consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new treatment regimen.

By implementing intranasal insulin into your routine, you can take proactive steps toward enhancing your cognitive abilities and supporting brain health. Explore the possibilities of this innovative therapy and discover the benefits it can bring to your life.


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